Sons de Bolso - Pocket Sounds - transforms the street into a concert hall, linking the new music to a geographical space. It is an unconventional and unprecedented way of exploring the portuguese cultural heritage , offering exclusive artistic content that allows the public new ways of interaction with the surrounding space. Secular locations are enhanced with an innovative dimension that combines with the History, defying the tradicional and the classical. The geolocated musical pieces are original works by Portuguese composers, related to the theme of democracy and individual and collective freedoms conquered over time.


Sons de Bolso transforma a rua na sala de espetáculos, ligando nova música a um espaço geográfico. É uma modalidade não convencional e inédita de explorar o património cultural português, oferendo conteúdo artístico exclusivo que permite ao público novas formas de interação com o espaço envolvente. Locais seculares são engrandecidos com uma dimensão inovadora que se alia à História, desafiando o tradicional e o clássico. As peças musicais geolocalizadas são obras originais de compositores portugueses, relacionadas com a temática da democracia e das liberdades individuais e coletivas conquistadas ao longo dos tempos.

User Manual

1) Find the Qrcode

2) Open the QRcode

3) Put on the earphones and listen to the musical piece.

4) While listening to the piece, you will be able to read short texts that contextualize the space and its heritage, its relationship with the theme about the music you are listening to and the relationships between all these elements.

5) You can also record a short video with an excerpt of the piece to save and/or share on social networks.

6) Proceed to the discovery of the next space and the next piece.




